Examples of integration of techniques

Examples of integration of techniques

Examples of Techniques Integration – Introduction

Here are some examples of integration of predictive maintenance techniques.

It is currently accepted without dispute that, in many industries, predictive maintenance is essential to increase asset availability and provides the most economical way to manage industrial assets.

It is also known that in most industrial units, the highest cost of implementing a predictive maintenance system is the cost of personnel to implement it. De facto, this cost usually far exceeds the cost of investment in equipment.

In accordance with modern management philosophies, there is a strong focus on making the most of the investments made in these techniques and in particular the work of technicians who implement the inspection techniques used in predictive maintenance..

When it takes place vibration analysis, in a vibration analyzer when performing predictive maintenance, common vibration analyzer This article presents the vibration limits in rotary-dynamic pumps as defined in the ISO series of standards., using, if necessary, to multiple techniques.

Examples of integration of techniques 1

 Detection of anomaly in a fan bearing through the analysis of electric motors with the MCM technique

Examples of integration of techniques 2

Anomaly detection in pharmaceutical industry machine belts through the analysis of electric motors with the MCM technique

Example 3

Anomaly detection in fan belts through the analysis of electric motors with the MCM technique

Example 4

Identification of anomaly in gear through the analysis of electric motors with the MCM technique

Example 5

Integration of vibrations and thermography into inspection routine

Example 6

Integration of vibrations and thermography in shaker review

Example 7

Thermography in vibration routines

Example 8

Vibration measurement and thermography on belts

Example 9

Integration of vibrations and thermography in example routine 1

Routine integration of predictive maintenance technologies – a perspective

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